Maun Public Library – American Corner Project


Maun Public Library – American Corner Project

Another project sponsored by the U.S. Embassy Botswana, The Maun Public Library (MPL) American Corner project was an initiative geared towards assisting local artists in the community, through a series of activities hosted at the Maun Public Library. These activities included the following;

  1. Creative visual arts workshops for primary school students. The workshops introduced to young learners the expressive ways of using painting to convey messages.
  2.  Workshops for local artists. The workshops focused mainly on helping artists on how to attain professionalism as an artist and on how to use technology and the internet to promote oneself.
  3. Mural Painting at the Library. Working with artists Okavango Artists Association, a mural was painted on the walls of the Maun Public Library. The mural had a theme that depicted a unity between Botswana and the USA. 



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